We are proud to say that we teach on a regular basis 1st Mercian Regiment.
Krav Maga for military differs from our civilian
version which we teach in our regular classes.
Krav Maga Military curriculum covers
- unarmed hand to hand combat
- armed Krav Maga combat (knife/pistol/rifle)
- working under stressful conditions
- restaining of the opponent if not possible to shot
- takedowns and eliminating the opponent quietly
- pistol disarms
- long rifle firearms
- quick reactions when your firearm
- is not working and the attacker is approaching fast
- working in teams
Due to the fact that we also have firearms instructors in our team, we can provide comprehensive firearms training (pistol and rifle).
We also offer tactical training in our training facility in Poland for small units including FX Simunition Training in our CQB Village "Mogadishu"