Student's license

Krav Maga Midlands License is valid for 12 months. It includes mambership to Krav Maga Midlands and BMABA - British Martial Arts and Boxing Association. Your license includes:
£2.000.000 member to member public liability insurance
12 Months membership to Krav Maga Midlands and BMABA
Personal membership number and membership card
Insurance with Membership Certificate.
Authorisation to participate in KMM Grading
Key features of your Student License:
2M Public Liability Insurance
Full Student Membership
Full Student Licensing
Personal Accident Cover
Grades and Awards fullly ratified.
Instant Online Registration and Activation
Details of your Personal Accident Policy:
Death £15.000
Loss of limbs/sight/speech/hearing £15.000
Loss of hearing in one ear £3750
Quadriplegia £15.000
Paraplegia £15.000
Hemiplegia £15.000
Pernament total disablement £15.000
Emergency Accident Medical Expences £5.000
Emergency Accident Dental Treatment £1.000
To obtain and activate your Student License please use the form below:
Cost of KMM License for 12 months is £29.99. We'll check your license on the classes and we may exclude you from the training if you are not licensed.